Thursday, October 25, 2007

Summer Berry Picking!

Thinking back to warmer times...hehe. I was looking through some pics on my computer here and these were too good to not share, even though it was from earlier this year in the summer.

The weather was hot and humid and I was huge-pregnant as we headed out to the Conley's (aka my folks) to pick the blackberries we had discovered on their land.

We all helped pick the berries so it was really a family effort. We ended up with so many I had plenty to share with friends and neighbors even after making my cobbler. And, I think I still have a big batch in the freezer for my next pie!!!

And afterwards.......of course. You gotta wash off all that berry juice in Nena and Pop's pool. That is the best excuse for swimming ever, right?

Although it was really hot and sticky, we really had a fun time together as a family that day, working hard and playing hard too...these are the kind of days you hope your kids will remember from their childhood...just being a family.