Today we went on a "field trip" to Kilgore College, where the college along with Opera East Texas presented the opera "Sid the Serpent who wanted to Sing". Along with my mom, who we picked up along the way (stole her away from work--lunch hour), we headed to the theatre. When I walked in too see a small auditorium full of older school age kids (maybe third grade and up), I began to wonder if this was really the best idea for mine who are mostly younger. My fears were laid to rest as soon as the show started....they were glued to the action.
The opera was a little cheesy for me and mom, and not the best overall talent-of course they are all college students. I mentioned to Mom that they looked like babies, not college students... she remarked "That's how you know when you're getting old!!" Ha ha! so true. Miranda said about the show "Everyone had a part to sing." So I went on to explain a little more about Opera, as opposed to the other theatre experiences that they have had. Well, at least what I knew about opera isn't really my favorite genre. But, I want the kids to have a variety of experiences growing up so they can decide for themselves which they like best. We then talked about our favorite parts of it, and our favorite characters. Eveyone had a different idea...what else is new.
Camryn seemed to enjoy the music as well.
Afterwards, we strolled outside at a pretty little garden on campus there.
Now, while I type all this in the little girls are napping, while the older girls finish the day up with Math, Spelling, and Reading. I promised Painting tommorrow if they get it all done before we have to go to choir tonite!! They are trying their best.