Thursday, October 8, 2009

Snakes, Spiders, and Writing Lessons!

So...I don't know if it's due to a bit cooler weather or what, but we have critters everywhere lately.  The girls spotted a black widow outside today....eek scary... A day or two ago it was a snake (thankfully a small one), and about a week ago they were examining a plump green caterpillar that had "eggs" stuck to it all over.  The kids would pass the green caterpillar everyday on the bush outside and talk about the eggs and when they would hatch...however, in the back of my mind I had second thoughts about the eggs....something just didn't seem right about it...weren't butterflies supposed to lay the eggs, not caterpillars, right?  My kids were so excited about the whole process and having it unfold right before their little eyes. So I decided to come inside and look it up on the internet (gotta love the internet), only to find out that the little "eggs" were actually parasites feeding off the poor green caterpillar....not exactly storybook material here but, science none the less. So, I went on to explain parasitism to my wide-eyed crew only to endure their sad laments for the poor caterpillar!!!!

             English lessons went well today as both of the older girls crafted personal narratives...aka stories about stuff that happened to them!  I am always interested to hear their perspective on their events... Children really do  see the world through  much more honest eyes than adults....maybe because  they haven't  learned to censor and tailor it to what people expect to hear.                                                    Perhaps, I should let them blog for me occasionally! 

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

We've Moved, Why not restart ye ole blog!!!

Hey all!
Wow it has been too long since I have blogged anything and so much has happened there is no way to catch up. Its kinda like when you are trying to scrapbook and you get so behind that all the pro-scrappers (people who actually do it more than me) just advise you to start with what you are doing that is where I'll begin, again.

We have moved to another town and have been here since August. Its a larger house in a town close to Ben's work. I have already unpacked and we are quite settled and now I am turning thoughts to more ordinary life things....things like school, songwriting, and managing my back pain. I injured my back and have been suffering from pain in my lower back and in my left leg for about 9 weeks.

The girls are doing well...all five. We have had a bit of sickness but nothing too troublesome. We are to head to Ft.Worth soom for some diagnostic tests on the four youngest girls to see if any of them are silently suffering from bladder reflux (which Miranda, my nine year old, had to have several surgeries to fix). We have been told that this tends to run in families and is much more prevalent in girls than boys.....YEA (with sarcasm)!! We will be praying the tests will show no problems and that it was just an expensive precaution.

This is maybe one of the most boring blogs I have written I guess, but there it is. I will write more later!